- Preparation time
- 3 mins
- Difficulty
- medium
- Serves
- 1 people
- Posted by
- Posted on
- December 15, 2015
B52-Slovak Cocktail Recipe
Drink Recipe Ingredients :
2 cl Absinth® absinthe herbal liqueur
2 cl Bailey's® Irish cream
1 cl Kahlua® coffee liqueur
Mixing Instructions :
<DIV class="RecipeDirections instructions">Fill in Kahlua, then slowly put Baileys on top. Take a tea-spoon reverse in the glass and slowly put the Absinth on top (in Slovakia typically 70% is green, 80% is red). Take a straw and cut it in the middle so that it is 50% inside and 50% outside of the glass. <BR><BR>DO NOT PUT THE STRAW IN THE GLASS. <BR>TRANSPORT THE GLASS WITH CARE. <BR><BR>Set the Absinth on fire. Take your hair out of your face, remove your glasses! Take the straw in your mouth, and then head down and straw INTO THE STILL BURNING DRINK. Drink fast enough in one go – otherwise the straw is set on fire and you will just burn your lips or even your eyebrows! <BR><BR>Europe wide: 112 is emergency (fire and ambulance) on all mobile and fixd-line networks! <DIV class=video-instructions style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject"> <META content="Make a B52 Drink" itemprop="name"> <META content=T0M28S itemprop="duration"> <META content=http://ak.c.ooyala.com/BoeXQ1ZDrpmx5zvCPrNaCLBxm7HB67ct/3Gduepif0T1UGY8H4xMDoxOm8xMTvLH5 itemprop="thumbnail"> <META content="This tasty Long Island iced tea recipe will be a hit at your next party." itemprop="description"> <META content=https://player.ooyala.com/tframe.html?ec=BoeXQ1ZDrpmx5zvCPrNaCLBxm7HB67ct&pbid=5eba8d7a354b4ddd8dc4eda3cf52e46d itemprop="embedUrl"> <SCRIPT src="http://player.ooyala.com/v3/5eba8d7a354b4ddd8dc4eda3cf52e46d?platform=html5-fallback"></SCRIPT> <DIV id=ooyalaplayer style="HEIGHT: 225px; WIDTH: 400px"> <DIV class=innerWrapper jQuery182019368085295193488="1"> <DIV class=oo_error style="DISPLAY: none"> <DIV class=oo_error_image></DIV> <DIV class=oo_error_message> <H1 class=oo_error_message_text></H1></DIV></DIV> <OBJECT id=OoFlashqhvyfx8 class=video style="LEFT: 0px" classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width="100%" height="100%"> <P>Please upgrade your browser to view HTML 5 content</P></OBJECT></DIV></DIV> <SCRIPT> OO.ready(function() { OO.Player.create('ooyalaplayer', 'BoeXQ1ZDrpmx5zvCPrNaCLBxm7HB67ct', { adSetCode: '96afabaaeee543b5ae6cb7dd570f6816' }); }); </SCRIPT> </DIV></DIV>
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Drink Type : Shots & Shooters, by base-ingredient
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Their easy to make just follow the directions and you will be making drinks like a pro.
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