Chilton Farms Tea Cocktail Recipe

Preparation time
3 mins
1 people
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Chilton Farms Tea Cocktail Recipe

Drink Recipe Ingredients :

2 cupsloose leaf black tea
1/4 cupearl gray tea

Mixing Instructions :

<DIV class="RecipeDirections instructions">Measure teas into airtight jar, seal, and turn jar several times to mix thoroughly. Turn jar three or four times before each use. TO BREW A POT OF TEA: Heat water to boiling; pour small amount into teapot and swirl around to heat sides of pot; discard. Immediately measure into the pot, 1 rounded teaspoonful of tea leaves for each cup of tea to be made. Add 1 cup of boiling water for each cup of tea. Let steep for 5 minutes. Serve with cream or lemon.</DIV>

Serve in Serve Beverage in

Drink Type : Non-Alcoholic,

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Their easy to make just follow the directions and you will be making drinks like a pro.

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