Chocolate Thunder Cocktail Recipe

Preparation time
3 mins
1 people
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Chocolate Thunder Cocktail Recipe

Drink Recipe Ingredients :

1 pint Everclear® alcohol
2 pints Hennessy® cognac
2 liters Kahlua® coffee liqueur
2 liters Malibu® coconut rum
1 pint Bailey's® Irish cream
1 pint Bacardi® 151 rum
1 liter 99 Bananas® banana schnapps

Mixing Instructions :

<DIV class="RecipeDirections instructions">In blender first pour in the everclear , the bacardi , and the hennesy plus about two scoops of shaved ice . Blend . Next add in the baily's , the 99 bananas , the kaluha , and the malibu plus about two to three scoops of chocolate or vanilla ice cream ( your choice ) and about a half a bottle of hershey's or nestle quick chocolate syrup . Blend thoroghly . <BR>Seve chilled in extra large glasses or mugs . Enjoy !!! Should last at least a few days .</DIV>

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Drink Type : Cocktails,

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